Monday, December 29, 2008

Desparately seeking more space!

Here is another video that we shot of Charlotte showing off her walking skills and her new favorite toy, the shopping cart that she got from Grammy and Grampy Perry! As you can see Charlotte is looking forward to Cory and I buying a house at some point so she will have more room to play.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dancing Charlotte - Put your hands up!!!

Cory and I just got a new video camera so we are having fun filming Charlotte and we thought we would post this one of her dancing to her new favorite song, Beyonce's "All the single ladies!".

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Just had to post these pics of Charlotte in her cute new dress. Her favorite activity is playing in the cabinets, opening and shutting them over and over again. Tupperware, measuring cups and empty boxes are amongst her favorite toys these days!

Friday, December 5, 2008

10 months!

Charlotte and Padriag
Charlotte and Jane

Big Sis Lily
Reading a book together, so CUTE!
Up to no good!
Her 2 new friends, Teddy and Pooh!

She decided she did not want to put her shirt back on, why fight it yet!

Jacob still sometimes is afraid of Charlotte!
Charlotte was 10 months on Wednesday. She has the best personality, must take after her dad! She is getting her top tooth and weighs 22lbs!
She is on the go, go, go. She really never slows down, she is a ton of fun!
We had a great Thanksgiving. Very busy, but really fun. We got to see a lot of friends and family which was nice. Charlotte was her usual rock star self. She had her BFF Ruby's first birthday party on Sat, which was madness.
Cory and his dad went to the Patriots game on Sun, while Grammy babysat Charlotte and Mommy got a much needed massage! Charlotte really enjoyed her time with Grammy and Granpa!

Today, Lily, Jane, Denise, Beth and Padraig came over to play. It was quite an exciting day for Charlotte! She had so much fun playing.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Their Here.......

first two teeth!

Getting ready for the cold of winter!

Crawling race in NY with Gavin

Gavin with the ladies (Charlotte and Grace)

Finally after almost 10 months Charlotte got her 2 bottom teeth!!! They are not fully grown in, but here they are! Very exciting stuff at the Perry house!

We had a great weekend in NY last week visiting three of my Fairfield friends, Dawn, Allison and Amy. Dawn, Shaun and Gavin were kind enough to babysit for us on Friday night so we could go out for an 'adult' dinner with Amy. We headed to see Allison on Sat morning after Charlotte woke up. We got to spend a few hours with her and her children, Samantha and Jaden, which was nice since we had never met Jaden and Alison hadn't met Charlotte yet. It was a nice treat!! Saturday night Dawn and Shaun's friends came over with their new baby Grace and we had a great night hanging out! It always lightens our spirit to spend a weekend with the McHugh's! Their love of life is infectious and we always leave their place wishing we could spend more time with them.

We are local this weekend which is nice. Having friends over for dinner and relaxing, it's nice not having to travel for a change!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Westfield weekend

Ruby and Charlotte playing

Charlotte, Mommy and Jacob on Thomas the Train

Bob the Builder and the Chicken

Wine playdate! Drew, Lizzie, Jacob, Charlotte and Drew

Charlotte and I headed to Nana's on Thursday. She had Jacob since Tom was away. We had a busy weekend as usual running around trying to see everyone, but it was fun. I had a wine playdate on Friday night with my highschool friends Missy and Stacy. I think wine playdates should happen more often!! We had a blast!
Nana took us all to see Thomas the Train in Essex, Ct on Sat. Jacob loves Thomas so she thought it would be fun for him. He enjoyed it, but I think he might have been a bit too young, but it was an experience and a day we will all remember!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

9 months!!

Charlotte was 9 months on Monday, and had her appt today. She weighed in at 21.6 pounds and is 29 inches long. She is doing great! Crawling all over the place, pulling herself up and walking around the ottoman and from toy to toy. We are hoping she doesn't walk for a bit, our place is not easy to baby proof!!! AND the spitting up is almost all gone!! Yeah!

Charlotte had a playdate with her friend Charlie as well, they are so cute together, although Charlotte is a bit of a bully, taking anything he has away from him. She's the boss!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!

Sam, Will and Charlotte
Sam, Will, Charlotte and Leo

Our little chicken woke up on Halloween with a bit of a fever and not herself. We closed on our condo and she was a superstar. We got home and things got a little worse, fever persisted and she was not a happy camper. So we took her to the dr and she had a 103 fever and the start of an ear infection. Our poor Charlotte was miserable, we had never seen her so distraught and upset. It was horrible to watch her like that. BUT, we gave her antiobiotics and she had a great nap and woke up as happy as can be and her old self, fever was gone. It was a GORGEOUS day, so we decided to go to our Halloween party. We went to my friend Andria's house on Beacon Hill and hung out for a while and had dinner and then we proceeded to walk around the Hill. They shut down the streets and a lot of the places do a great job decorating, so its really quite a scene. Charlotte was so great and had so much fun with her friends. Two of our other friends from our mommy and me class were there as well, so it was great to see them! We didn't get great picstures, since they don't really like to cooperate anymore, but it was so fun to watch them interact together. Charlotte as usual was the only girl!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween in the Dot...

Daddy and his chicken!
Charlotte loved the horses! She is hoping maybe for her first birthday...

Mommy and her chicken!

The happy family!

Leo, Auntie Laurie and Ms. Chicken

The Lovering Family

Mommy's night out with Renee and Tricia

We had a great relaxing time at home this weekend. Friday night I had a great girls night out with 2 of my bestest friends from high school, Renee and Tricia. We had a wonderful dinner out and a fun time catching up and reminiscing.

Yesterday, Grammy and Granpa came to Boston on a bus trip for work, so Charlotte got to spend the afternoon with them and had so much fun. They brought her a pumpkin and a book which is fast becoming one of her favorites!

Today we went to a Halloween party at Auntie Laurie's uncle's flower shop. They had pinatas for the kids, hay rides and a scarecrow contest. Charlotte loved all the decorations and seeing all the kids in costumes. Charlotte then partied at Auntie Laurie's and had a ball with the other kids and new toys to play with. She did pretty good in her costume, although it was a bit hot today for it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Let's GOOOO Red Sox!!!

Just had to post this pic of Cory and Charlotte. Cory cannot wait until Charlotte can watch a game with him, since Mommy really doesn't!!!

Weekend at Nana's

Charlotte and Great Granpy Joe

Katie, Jacob, Sarah & Charlotte at the park

Cousins: Jacob, Emma, Jack, Charlote and Luke

Charlotte and Andrew

After spending Friday with Sarah and Ruby, Charlotte and I headed to Nana's. Friday night we picked Cory up at the bus station and went to dinner to celebrate my father's bday. Charlotte was so good at the restaurant and had a ball hamming it up. When we got home, her cousin Jacob was there and she was so excited to see him, she stayed up until 8pm, well past her bedtime! Saturday, Cory started his 2 day golf tournament with my father and I met Katie at the park with Jacob and Charlotte, we had a nice morning together. We then had my cousins Kerri and Timmy over with their children Jack, Emma and Luke. We went to Stanley Park and then had a pizza party. It was so nice for us all to be together and the kids had a lot of fun!

Sunday, my friend Missy from high school came over with her 2 children Lizzie and Andrew (who is 6 weeks younger than Charlotte), we had a really nice visit!! Charlotte and I continued our whirlwind weekend by visiting another high school friend Sheila, who just bought a gorgeous new house. We were able to get the grand tour, although they are not living there just yet, its absolutely beautiful and the view they have is amazing!! From there we went to visit my dear friend and maid of honor Beth, and her parents. Her father is finally home after being in the hospital for several months. It was really nice to spend time with Beth and her parents and catch up.

At the end of the day, Cory finally came home and Nana made us a delicious turkey dinner and my grandfather joined us. I was so happy he was able to spend time with Charlotte!

It was such a great weekend, but we are glad to be back home!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Childhood friends continued..........

More potential suitors for Charlotte (Ruby's cousin Ben and Big Bro Owen)
Ruby Duby and Charlotte playing

Charlotte riding in Ruby's car and having a blast!

Today we visited my BFF Sarah and her daughter Ruby. We had such a fun time, Charlotte always gets excited to hang out with her Western Mass BFF!! Ruby and Charlotte are 10 weeks apart. I get sad everytime I see them, because Sarah and I had always hoped we would live next door to each other (or at least on the same street) when we had kids. Sarah and I have a very special and crazy friendship. We have known each other since we were 4 yrs old. We grew up down the street from each other, her family was my second family. I practically lived there. I would go on family vacations with them and she would come to the Cape with us every summer. We are like sisters, truly. We fight all the time, yet we count on each other for everything. We talk everyday, sometimes 2-3x a day for long periods of time, Cory constantly says, "I just don't know what you could have to say to each other everyday", but yet I look forward to our daily talks. I sometimes stop and wonder how we are actually friends, we are so different. She has gotten me through some pretty difficult times and although we don't see each other that often, we have such an incredible bond that will always be there. I think the one reason we are so close, is she is one of the few people that really understands me and gives me tough love. She doesn't put up with anything. She tells it like it is. And as much as she drives me crazy, I appreciate it.

It's really hard for me to put into words our friendship, but my hope is that one day Charlotte will have a friend as special as Sarah is to me and will be able to experience this beautiful friendship that Sarah and I have. You meet so many people in your life that come and go, so to hang on to a friendship like this is rare, I think. I love you Sarah, despite our many differences, especially political!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fun with Lila!!!

Charlotte reading in her new chair!

Lila on the slide!

Lila (13 months) and Charlotte (8 months)

Lila (5 months) and Charlotte (1 week)

Today our friends John and Kathy came over with their daughter Lila. Cory and John went to UMaine together, and Kathy and I work together. Charlotte had so much fun watching Lila, who is 5 months older. They had fun playing with toys and going on the swings. We had such a nice visit with them. We need to do it more often!