Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween in the Dot...

Daddy and his chicken!
Charlotte loved the horses! She is hoping maybe for her first birthday...

Mommy and her chicken!

The happy family!

Leo, Auntie Laurie and Ms. Chicken

The Lovering Family

Mommy's night out with Renee and Tricia

We had a great relaxing time at home this weekend. Friday night I had a great girls night out with 2 of my bestest friends from high school, Renee and Tricia. We had a wonderful dinner out and a fun time catching up and reminiscing.

Yesterday, Grammy and Granpa came to Boston on a bus trip for work, so Charlotte got to spend the afternoon with them and had so much fun. They brought her a pumpkin and a book which is fast becoming one of her favorites!

Today we went to a Halloween party at Auntie Laurie's uncle's flower shop. They had pinatas for the kids, hay rides and a scarecrow contest. Charlotte loved all the decorations and seeing all the kids in costumes. Charlotte then partied at Auntie Laurie's and had a ball with the other kids and new toys to play with. She did pretty good in her costume, although it was a bit hot today for it!

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