Friday, December 5, 2008

10 months!

Charlotte and Padriag
Charlotte and Jane

Big Sis Lily
Reading a book together, so CUTE!
Up to no good!
Her 2 new friends, Teddy and Pooh!

She decided she did not want to put her shirt back on, why fight it yet!

Jacob still sometimes is afraid of Charlotte!
Charlotte was 10 months on Wednesday. She has the best personality, must take after her dad! She is getting her top tooth and weighs 22lbs!
She is on the go, go, go. She really never slows down, she is a ton of fun!
We had a great Thanksgiving. Very busy, but really fun. We got to see a lot of friends and family which was nice. Charlotte was her usual rock star self. She had her BFF Ruby's first birthday party on Sat, which was madness.
Cory and his dad went to the Patriots game on Sun, while Grammy babysat Charlotte and Mommy got a much needed massage! Charlotte really enjoyed her time with Grammy and Granpa!

Today, Lily, Jane, Denise, Beth and Padraig came over to play. It was quite an exciting day for Charlotte! She had so much fun playing.

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