Saturday, November 22, 2008

Their Here.......

first two teeth!

Getting ready for the cold of winter!

Crawling race in NY with Gavin

Gavin with the ladies (Charlotte and Grace)

Finally after almost 10 months Charlotte got her 2 bottom teeth!!! They are not fully grown in, but here they are! Very exciting stuff at the Perry house!

We had a great weekend in NY last week visiting three of my Fairfield friends, Dawn, Allison and Amy. Dawn, Shaun and Gavin were kind enough to babysit for us on Friday night so we could go out for an 'adult' dinner with Amy. We headed to see Allison on Sat morning after Charlotte woke up. We got to spend a few hours with her and her children, Samantha and Jaden, which was nice since we had never met Jaden and Alison hadn't met Charlotte yet. It was a nice treat!! Saturday night Dawn and Shaun's friends came over with their new baby Grace and we had a great night hanging out! It always lightens our spirit to spend a weekend with the McHugh's! Their love of life is infectious and we always leave their place wishing we could spend more time with them.

We are local this weekend which is nice. Having friends over for dinner and relaxing, it's nice not having to travel for a change!!!

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