Sunday, February 1, 2009

Birthday Mania!!!

Hugs for Grammy!
Kisses for Grampa!
RAH, get me out of here!
Get it off my fingers!
Not sure what to make of the cake...
New dress from Grammy, carrying around her other one!!!
Aunt Kathy made this awesome balloon cake!!!
Outfit from G&G, she was obsessed with it, walked around for hours with it over her shoulder!!!
First baking set from G&G

This is the start of birthday week for Charlotte and she had her first celebration this past weekend in Maine with Grammy, Grampa, Meme, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ronnie and Great Aunt Adrienne. She had a BLAST and got so many great things! She wasn't a huge fan of the cake though. She has this new thing, where she loves to carry things around while she walks, its hysterical. She will throw whatever it is over her shoulder, clothes, blankets, teddy bear, etc. She had so much fun with everyone, and was loving giving kisses and hugs to everyone, especially to Grampa!

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