Friday, February 27, 2009

Flowers from Will

Smelling the tulips!
Charlotte's first flowers!
Boyfriend Will!

Lily hanging with Piggy!
Avery (2yrs old), Oren and Charlotte

Charlotte and Oren (4yrs old)

Charlotte received her first flowers from her boyfriend Will today. They were beautiful red tulips, Charlotte loved them and especially loves smelling them!

Here are a few other pictures from some other playdates!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Charlotte's favorite new doll!

Charlotte got her last birthday present from her New York boyfriend Gavin today. She loved the present so much she spent the next two hours playing with the doll and pushing/carrying the carriage around. We had to take the video of it since we found it so cute but as you can see we will not be having her babysit anytime soon.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Deutsche Bank Reunion!!!

Charlotte, Jane, Padraig, Lily, Carter, brothers, Gregory and William

Future lovebirds Lily (almost 3) and

Gregory-2 yrs old

Up to no good!
Charlotte LOVED Lily's baby carriage
Padriag-6 months, Charlotte and Carter-10 months

Taking a quick water break!


Today our friends Chris and Denise hosted a brunch for the orginal DB crew (Diana, Denise, Chris, Kelly, Beth and me) and their families! It's been a long time since we all have gotten together. We have known each other for almost 10 years and have been through a lot together. It was so fun to get all the kids together and catch up. Times have really changed, we used to go through bottles and bottles of wine and late nights out, now its formula, diapers and sleep deprivation.
Great food and great friends, thanks for hosting Gidop's family!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fun with Mary Ryan!

Yesterday our friend Catherine and her daughter Mary Ryan came to spend the night with us, they live in Kansas City. We had a nice relaxing day hanging out and Charlotte and Mary Ryan had so much fun playing together despite being 6 months apart. Mary Ryan is a little peanut! Mary Ryan was fascinated watching Charlotte, it was so cute watching them together!
We can't wait for them to move back to Boston!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The end of Birthday week...

Charlotte and Great Aunt Jane
Charlotte and her Nana

Naptime with Jacob!

This weekend we had Charlotte's last birthday celebration in Westfield. Although Charlotte was under the weather as she woke up Sat morning with a runny nose and cough...we are so all done with winter! She did have a great time playing with her cousin Jacob and seeing her Nana, Granpy, Great Granpy, Aunt Kate, Aunt Jane, Uncle Bill, Uncle Tom and her cousin Jacob. Next year it will just be one celebration...we are all exhausted!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Another Celebration

Leo and Charlotte
So handsome!!!

Wednesday night, Auntie Laurie, Uncle Jon and Leo came over to celebrate Charlotte's bday. Charlotte was up way past her bedtime running around and harrassing Leo! She loves being the center of attention... we are in trouble!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Birthday Party!

Charlotte and Sam
Charlie, Charlotte, Sam and Will
Will eating cake!
Charlie loving the cupcake!
YUM said Sam!!

once again not a fan....

Not this again!

Playing around!

Charlotte giving Charlie kisses!

My new party dress!!!

Daddy and Charlotte on her 1st Birthday!

Charlotte had a few of her best buddies over for a birthday celebration on Tuesday. She LOVES having playmates over! Unfortunately her BFF Jane was sick so she couldn't make it, so it was just Charlotte and her men, Charlie, Sam and Will. They all had a blast playing, eating and running around.

I was trying to be all Martha Stewart and decided to make her red velvet cupcakes from scratch and homemade buttercream frosting. It's not easy trying to do this with Charlotte under my feet, but I did it, so proud of myself and guess what? They taste exactly like the box stuff. I was so mad!!!!!

Today Charlotte had her year Dr's apptointment, her stats are: 24lbs 13oz and 30 inches long. She is doing GREAT!!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!!

Birthday kitchen from Mommy and Daddy!

Happy Birthday my princess! I cannot believe a year has gone by already. I look back at this year with a mix of emotions. It was quite a life changing year!! No one could EVER describe to me how incredible becoming a parent is. Despite some challenging times you have made me happier than I could ever imagine. You have so much personality and hearing you laugh makes me happy no matter what mood I am in. Your strong personality is already starting to show and I can only imagine what it will be like in year number two. I am amazed each day as I watch you grow and learn new things. I love seeing the world through your eyes as I watch you discover new experiences. Already at a young age you are very determined and so curious. My hope for you is that you grow to be a strong, secure, loving, confident and most of all happy woman. I will try to keep from passing my insecurities and fears to you as you grow up. I will try and be the best mother to you and I will always be there for you. I want you to live life to its fullest and always keep that innocent joy and infectious smile of yours. You are my angel and I cannot imagine my life without you. I love you to the moon and back Charlotte. Looking forward to many new adventures in year number 2!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Birthday Mania!!!

Hugs for Grammy!
Kisses for Grampa!
RAH, get me out of here!
Get it off my fingers!
Not sure what to make of the cake...
New dress from Grammy, carrying around her other one!!!
Aunt Kathy made this awesome balloon cake!!!
Outfit from G&G, she was obsessed with it, walked around for hours with it over her shoulder!!!
First baking set from G&G

This is the start of birthday week for Charlotte and she had her first celebration this past weekend in Maine with Grammy, Grampa, Meme, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Ronnie and Great Aunt Adrienne. She had a BLAST and got so many great things! She wasn't a huge fan of the cake though. She has this new thing, where she loves to carry things around while she walks, its hysterical. She will throw whatever it is over her shoulder, clothes, blankets, teddy bear, etc. She had so much fun with everyone, and was loving giving kisses and hugs to everyone, especially to Grampa!