Friday, June 17, 2011

New friends and cupcakes!

Charlotte had a new friend from the school she will be attending in the fall come over for a playdate last week, Clara. Catherine was pretty excited too, as Clara's brother Cormac came over to play with her. They are 4 months apart. Clara and Charlotte are a month apart, come to find out we were in the same birthing class as her parents! Small world! They had so much fun together.

Charlotte also is taking after me and loving to bake! We made cupcakes for her last art class and she was so proud to hand them out to all the kids. I am not sure if she likes the baking part or the eating of the batter and product afterwards! Catherine helped too!

1 comment:

dhalpin said...

so cute! love that you made cupcakes for last day of dotart too, you rock!