Ms. Tricia and her kids!

Future Graduates of the Class of 2026
The three musketeers!

Charlotte had her graduation from "preschool" today. Cory took the day off from work, a bit skeptical of a structured daycare graduation ceremony, but was very happy he was there. It was adorable. The ceremony was composed of everything they had learned throughout the year, songs, our father, hail mary,pledge of allegiance, signing the alphabet, god bless America, etc. It was so cute. ALL 20 kids participated except for one, our Charlotte. She sat there the entire ceremony with a look of disgust on her face and all she was concerned about was her BFF Maeve who was sitting in the back row. She kept turning around to make sure she was there. Cory asked me if I really took her to "school" each week or if I was just pocketing the tuition! It was pretty funny, but they called her name for her diploma, she ran up with a huge smile on her face! It was a great day!
On a side note, our little slugger Catherine, got in a fight and has a huge black eye. It's how she keeps her street cred living in Dorchester....She actually just walked into a water fountain, it's a pretty big shiner, but it doesn't bother her at all! She's tough!
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