Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pool Date

Charlotte with her men, Sam & Will

Andria & Will, Tara & Sam, Sarah & Charlotte

Today we met Andria and Will and Tara and Sam for a pool date at Tara's Club. I met Tara and Sam through my Mass General Mom's group. We work opposite days so we hadn't seen each other in 2 months, it was good to catch up. Sam is another potential suitor for Charlotte!! We had a great day, the babies had a swim lesson, and then we all played in the pool and had lunch. Charlotte went under water, and didn't cry, she was loving it, although she hates wearing her hat! She is a little water bug, think we might have an Olympian!!! We had so much fun, Charlotte loves being around kids.

She was wiped out though, when we got home, she slept for 2hrs 35 minutes!

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