Friday, December 21, 2018

She's 9!!!!!

Dear Catherine Grace,

Nine years old.  Time flies.  You are growing up so fast, in so many ways.  You want to be a teenager so badly.  You LOVE make-up, clothes shopping, really anything having to do with fashion.  You actually have a great sense of style and have picked out some nice clothes for me!  You give Daddy fashion advice too, "don't think you are going out of the house in THAT?!!"  Irish step is still your thing.  You want to move up to Prize winner and are working very hard to get there.  Your goal is to do a solo at Oierchatas next year.  Sewing, yoga and anything crafty are what you are into as well.  You have such an amazing, creative mind.  You come up with some really awesome ideas!  SLIME, ugh.  I hate it, you love it.  It's a constant battle of back and forth, can I make slime, NOOOO!  And then I always give in.  We pretty much have a slime factory.   You are smart, sometimes too smart for your own good.  You pick up on EVERYTHING, daddy and I have to watch what we say around you now.   You still have the same core group of friends, but have added a few more this year, Avery and Eliza.  You still like school, but get bored.  You love writing and reading.  When you grow up you want to be an actress, irish step teacher, judge, art teacher,... the list goes on.  I am sure you will do something very creative.  You have such a strong personality and passion and love of life.  You get so excited about everything.  Always wanting to do something, have a friend over, craft, bake, you name it.  You have a heart of gold and are a good friend.  You always include everyone.  I hope year nine is amazing for you with lots of new adventurous and happy days!!!  Keep smiling and making us laugh!

I love you to the moon and back Gracie Bear!!

xo Mommy

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