Sunday, October 26, 2014

3rd year survey

1. How old are you?
CMP: 6 1/2
CGP: 4 1/2

2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
CMP: a zookeeper
CGP: a musketeer

3. What makes you happy?
CMP: when someone smiles at me
CGP: my family

4. What makes you sad?
CMP: when someone pouts
CGP: when I don't get my way

5. Why do you like being a kid?
CMP: because I can play with gabby
CGP: because i have lot of playdates

6. If you could be an animal, which one would you be?
CMP: owl
CGP: bunny

7. Why?
CMP: because i like them wooing at night
CGP: because they are cute and they hop

8. Where do you live?
CMP:  in a house
CGP: in boston

9. Where is your favorite place to go?
CMP: its too cool
CGP: plaster funtime

10. What makes you laugh?
CMP: when mommy makes me smile
CGP: when kate says something funny

11. What's your favorite thing to do?
CMP: to go to gabby;s house
CGP: to go to kate and emmas house

12. What are you really good at?
CMP: the monkey bars
CGP: cartwheels and handstands

13. What are you not very good at?
CMP: american ninja warrior
CGP: listening

14. How old is Mommy?
CMP: 38

15. What is something Mommy always says to you?
CMP: you are very good at math
CGP: i love you

16. What do you love most about Mommy?
CMP: that you are a teacher and I get to see you everyday
CGP: you hug me

17. What is Mommy's favorite food?
CMP: steak
CGP: eggs

18. How tall is your Mom?
CMP: 38 inches
CGP: a lot

19. What does Mom do while your at school?
CMP: teaching the kids math
CGP: do work

20. How old is Daddy?
CMP: 40

21. What does Daddy do for work:
CMP: he helps us get food and milk
CGP: he does his computer

22: What is Daddy's favorite sport?
CMP: golf
CGP: golf

23. What is Daddy's favorite food?
CMP: pizza
CGP: steak tips

24. How strong is Daddy?
CMP: very strong
CGP: so strong

25. How tall is Daddy?
CMP: 41 inches
CGP: 81 inches

26.What did you do yesterday?
CMP: went to a school halloween party
CGP: went to a halloween party

27. What is your favorite food?
CMP: rice
CGP: pasta

29. What is your favorite song?
CMP: here I am being who I want giving what I got
CGP: all for one and one for all

30. What do you want Santa to bring you this year?
CMP:keira doll that can turn her hair from purple to brown and sings
CGP: musketeer costume

31. What is love?
CMP: love is in your heart
CGP: love is very nice

32. What's your favorite thing about school?
CMP: doing art work with ms. d
CGP: doing art work

33. What don't you like to do at school?
CMP: laying my head on my desk
CGP: sitting on the rug

34: What are you scared of?
CMP: zombies
CGP: ghosts

35. What do you think is in outer space?
CMP: earth

36. What is your favorite color?
CMP: purple
CGP: purple

37. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
CMP: cake batter
CGP: chocolate

38. What is your favorite activity to do after school?
CMP: play with my sister
CGP: color

39. What is your favorite thing to do on the playground?
CMP: running around
CGP: climbing

40. What is your favorite thing to wear?
CMP: keira dress
CGP: skirt

41. Who are you best friends?
CMP: kate and emma, maeve. gabby, liam, rosie, addison, sarah, ,melody, ava, alannah
CGP: kate and emma, maeve, liam, gabby, tommy, kelly, chase, killian, juliette

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