Tuesday, July 22, 2014


We went up to visit the Bennetts in York, Maine last weekend.  So much fun, despite it being a bit chilly.  The girls then went to stay with Grammy and Granpa in their new camper.  They were thrilled, loved camping.   Cory and I got to enjoy a night out and a hotel in Portland.  I am very happy the girls have G&G to camp with!!!

My friend Dawn from Fairfield came for a visit with 2 of her kids.  Ella is 5 and the girls loved hanging out with her.  We did some of the touristy stuff which the girls were so excited about!

Oh and lastly, we stayed with our friends Andy and Anne on Friday night.  They have 2 huge dogs.  When we got there you would have thought we threw the girls to the wolves (especially Catherine).  The screaming was ridiculous.  But by Saturday morning you can see Catherine was petting Libby.  As we were riding home, she said I want a dog!

 Charlotte & Gabby bathing beauties

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