Monday, March 3, 2014

Skate Date

We took the girls skating a few Sundays ago.  Charlotte got right back at it, no problem.  This was Catherine's 2nd time on the ice.  She didn't do well at all.  Cory and I pretty much held her hands the entire time.  She just couldn't get the hang of it.  Fast forward to this past Sunday.  Her boyfriend Tommy and sister Kelly met us there.  We got there first.  Catherine did slightly better than last time.  Tommy shows up and I am not even kidding, she took off with her crate and they just skated together.  It was unreal.  She was flying around the ice with him.  And Charlotte was like a teenager with her friend Sarah skating around.  Cory and I were not needed :(
Oh and a side note (I went upstairs to get changed before skate and I find Catherine upstairs in my bathroom putting make up on.")  We are in such trouble.

*and some other random pictures!

 Following big sis around

 Tommy & Catherine

Charlotte & Sarah

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