Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Interview with Charlotte

I saw this on my friends blog and thought 
it would be fun to see what Charlotte 
had to say. I want to do this every year and 
look back at the answers together.  

1. How old are you? 4...almost 5!

2. What do you want to be when you grow up?

3. What makes you happy?

4. What makes you sad?
 when mommy yells

5. Why do you like being a kid? 
 because I can play with mama

6. If you could be an animal, which one would you be?

7. Why?
Because they are silly

8. Where do you live? she knows the answer!

9. Where is your favorite place to go?
Beach (not sure why we never go!)

10. What makes you laugh?
The wiggles!

11. What's your favorite thing to do?

12. What are you really good at?
painting.  (this is true!)

13. What are you not very good at?

14. How old is Mommy?
25 (love her!)

15. What is something Mommy always says to you?
PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING! (that is how charlotte said it!)

16. What do you love most about Mommy?

17. What is Mommy's favorite food?
broccoli and salad

18. How tall is your Mom?

19. What does Mom do while your at school/camp?
play and watch her own shows!

20. How old is Daddy?

21. What does Daddy do for work:
makes money to buy us milk and toys

22: What is Daddy's favorite sport?

23. What is Daddy's favorite food?

24. How strong is Daddy?
so strong

25. How tall is Daddy?
she stood up and raised her hands really high

26.What did you do today?
played with kate and emma

27. What is your favorite food?
pickles and peanut butter (not together!)

29. What is your favorite song?
Twinkle, Twinkle little star

30. What do you want Santa to bring you this year?
new teddy bear (really, like you don't have 50 already!)

31. What is love?
i love mommy

32. Whats your favorite thing about school?
playing with my friends, going in the playhouse, and playing in the block area

33. What don't you like to do at school?
playing with the dinosaurs

34: What are you scared of?

35. What do you think is in outer space?

36. What is your favorite color?

37. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
vanilla ( just like her dad!)

38. What is your favorite activity to do after school?
play with mama

39. What is your favorite thing to do on the playground?
go down the slide, do the monkey bars

40. What is your favorite thing to wear?
my dresses

41. Who are you best friends?
Maeve, Katie, Liam, Emma, Catherine (she almost forgot Catherine!)

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