Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas tree and skating!

A couple of pictures from thanksgiving too. We spent it with our friends Carmelita and Bill and their daugther Gabby. It was so relaxing and nice not to travel.

We got our christmas tree this weekend. The girls loved picking it out and decorating it. They thought it was so fun.

Charlotte also started her learn to skate program this Sat. It runs every week for an hour through March. She did not want to do it, all week "I don't want to skate." We went on Friday to get her helmet and skates. They had pink and that was all she needed to get her excited, she couldn't wait to go in her pink gear!

It was pretty crazy, they just throw them on the ice with a milk crate and let them go. Cory was a nervous wreck. She did great. Her little legs moved for 40 minutes non stop. She slept until 9:15 on Sunday morning she was so tired! We have a video that I will post, its really funny watching her try and get around!

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