Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday!

I'm 3!!!!
Birthday hat from school!

My dear Charlotte, my fiercely, independent little girl. Not so little anymore. You are growing to be such a wonderful, kind, loving, fearless and sassy "big" girl. You continue to amaze me everyday with your words, your kindness to your sister and friends and your love of adventure. I told you the other day I was sad. You said why are you sad Mom. I said because you are getting so big and you will be going to school soon and I can't bear to not have you around all the time. You laughed and gave me your big grin and said "it's ok mommy, don't be sad, I won't go to school, I will stay here with you."Oh if it were that simple! I love watching you grow up but can't help but get teary eyed thinking how quickly it goes and how innocent and sweet you are now. You have such a incredible personality, still so strong, dramatic, focused and oh so determined, but so smart and curious at the same time. You potty trained yourself a month ago and I was so proud of you. You did it all by yourself. You are slowly giving up your nap, but you still have quiet time, and many times you snuggle with me on the couch. Oh how I love those moments, just the two of us, quietly snuggling together. No distractions, just us, my baby.

The things you can do at 3, count to 15, you know all of your upper case letters and most lower case, you can write half of the letters, you can zip your jacket, you can button your pants, you can dress yourself. You love puzzles and are very good at them, love building blocks, stickers and playing make believe with your dolls. This is a big year for you. You start yoga and art class by yourself, no more of me hanging around, I will drop you off and pick you up and in the fall you will go to preschool 3 days a week. I wish you lots of learning, playing, growing, fun and happy happy days in year 3.

Happy birthday, my baby, my big girl, my lovebug. I love you to pieces. Mommy xo

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