Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Catherine Grace!

My precious little angel. I can't believe a full year has passed since you arrived. It went by entirely too fast for me. I just want to slow it down. As with Charlotte, those first few months were tough, but you quickly turned into the sweetest little baby. You are calm, fairly easy going, love to snuggle and just so happy all of the time. You have the most adorable laugh and your smile lights up a room. You started really walking about 2 weeks ago and you haven't stopped. You are so proud of yourself and love running around and playing with Charlotte. I love watching you two together. You already adore her and everything she does you want to mimic. I can see you growing up to be the bestest of friends. We are so blessed and I thank God everyday for my two beautiful, healthy and happy girls. I love you so much and can't wait to see how you grow and learn in year 2. Happy Happy Day Catherine! XO Mommy

1 comment:

christmas carol said...

I love reading your heartfelt words to your daughters!
Just think one day many years from now(when they are mothers themselves)how much they will cherish your thoughts and words.
Love, Carol Credit