Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Charlotte!!

Happy Birthday Charlotte! I cannot believe you are 2 already. Time flies! You are such an amazing little girl. You had a great year, learning so much, playing with your friends, and really starting to talk the past month. You are such a combination of your daddy and I, you have a love of life like your father, but you also have a littlle bit of my temper. You have full fledge tantrums, get easily frustrated and are so dramatic. Your personality is so strong, you know what you want and when you want it. You already know how to push our buttons! You love being around your friends, but we are still learning the whole sharing thing. You have many friends you love playing with, Charlie, Will, Sam, Leo, Padraig, Lily, Jane, Maeve and Liam and you always have a blast when we have friends over. We have also nicknamed you el tornado (courtersy of Nana). You have endless energy and you never stop and you are curious about everything. Being outside is your favorite thing, so the winter has been tough on you but you have done great. You still sleep like a champ at night and take 2 hr naps. I am so proud of the way you have been since bringing Catherine home. You have handled it remarkably well and you are so good with her most of the time. You will have so much fun when she gets a bit older. I am so excited that you have a sister to grow up with and my hope is that the two of you will be the best of friends and will have a strong bond.

You are still such a Daddy's girl, you adore him. Our relationship on the other hand already has its ups and downs. I can hardly wait for the teenage years! You are so independent, you have been picking out your outfits for months now and you are very particular about what you will wear. Over the past 2 weeks you have started to actually dress yourself, sometimes the shirt is on backwards and the pants are inside out, but you are so proud of yourself!!!

I can't wait to see the new things that you do this year. I love you with all my heart!
Love Mommy!

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