Sunday, December 20, 2009

still waiting...

Charlotte loves her peanut butter!

This baby does not want to come out. We are all anxious and so ready. We got gave in and got a tree, its pretty pathetic and Charlotte was not very excited about it, but we thought it might get us into the Christmas spirit. This morning we woke to tons of snow and a long day ahead. By 8:30am Charlotte had opened 3 of her Christmas presents and is in major destructive mode. Cory took her outside in the snow and she was not very thrilled. Going to be a long winter...

1 comment:

christmas carol said...

Merry Christmas Cory, Sarah and Charlotte!
Just want to send you our very best wishes for the holidays, and thank you for your postings of the lovely Charlotte and your family and friends.
We enjoy catching up with all of you so much!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Carol and Dennis Credit
Epworth, Georgia