Monday, August 3, 2009

18 months!!

Lila, Gregory, Jane and Charlotte on a hot summer day!

Lila and Charlotte

Lila, Kathy and Charlotte

Padraig and Charlotte

Charlotte, Grammy and Meme

Charlotte has been busy this summer. Hanging out with her friends, going to the park and beach. Although she isn't a huge fan of the beach. She doesn't love having wet sand on her feet and she prefers running around then sitting and playing in the sand. Charlotte met Grammy and Meme at the beach with Daddy so I could have a day at the spa, it was heaven!!!

We also joined a gym for kids, which she absolutely loves. She climbs, does gymnastics, jumps on the trampoline and all sorts of other fun things, she has a blast! She is saying a lot of new words and is constantly on the go. Her eating habits are horrible but she is growing and certainly not lacking in weight! Her stats are: 29lbs and 34 inches.

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