Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Charlotte 5/12 months

Charlotte has turned into a dream baby. She is such an angel now. The 5 month mark was huge for us. She is just so happy now. The first few months were rough, she cried and fussed all the time. When I would call my friend Sarah every night crying, she would say "hang in there, you are in survival mode, it will get better". I wanted to believe it, but those long days of constant crying, I didn't believe that it would ever get better, BUT we did survive and now she is a dream and she amazes me more each day . She is sleeping through the night, 6:45pm-6:30-7am! It's crazy. Some nights we would love to keep her up longer, but she just fights it, so we put her down and she falls asleep on her own. Usually sucking her thumb, which is just too precious.
She is now sitting up and just loves it. She was getting very bored on her back.

I am back at work Tues/Thurs and I think its a nice balance for both of us. It's harder somedays and I miss her so much, but the days we have together are so much more special.

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