Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tubby time

Just had to share this picture of Charlotte, my favorite so far. We had just given her a tubby and she was so exhausted from the day, she starting sucking her thumb (which means she is ready to go to sleep). Her eyes are just incredible. I look at her sometimes and can't believe she is mine!

I am just so in love with her.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Four Green Fields

This weekend we visited our good friends Dawn, Shaun and Gavin McHugh (Dawn and I went to Fairfield together). They have a house in upstate NY, or the Irish Village as Cory and I call it. Dawn and Shaun just bought their first bungalow-so exciting as they are hard to come by!!!

It's a huge piece of land that Dawn's family and a bunch of other Irish families have built there. There are about 80 bungalows, swimming pool, big fields, playground, hall, etc. They have themed weekends throughout the summer and this weekend was family golf. Cory and Shaun played while Dawn and I caught up and hung out with the kids. We met up with everyone later for a big banquet dinner. We had a great weekend. Charlotte was a rock star, she loved being in the country and with so many kids to watch. We can't wait to go back next year when she can run around.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Charlotte 5/12 months

Charlotte has turned into a dream baby. She is such an angel now. The 5 month mark was huge for us. She is just so happy now. The first few months were rough, she cried and fussed all the time. When I would call my friend Sarah every night crying, she would say "hang in there, you are in survival mode, it will get better". I wanted to believe it, but those long days of constant crying, I didn't believe that it would ever get better, BUT we did survive and now she is a dream and she amazes me more each day . She is sleeping through the night, 6:45pm-6:30-7am! It's crazy. Some nights we would love to keep her up longer, but she just fights it, so we put her down and she falls asleep on her own. Usually sucking her thumb, which is just too precious.
She is now sitting up and just loves it. She was getting very bored on her back.

I am back at work Tues/Thurs and I think its a nice balance for both of us. It's harder somedays and I miss her so much, but the days we have together are so much more special.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Charlotte meets her cousin Jonathan

This weekend we made a trip to Maine to visit with Cory's brother Chris and his son Jonathan, who are in Maine for the month. It was a surprise visit, so we were very excited to see them! This was the first time Charlotte and Jonathan were meeting, and the first time we had seen him in a few years.

We went to Cory's grandmother's house and had a GREAT visit. Charlotte went in the pool for the 2nd time and she just loves the water! She enjoyed spending time with her cousin, as did we.
It was so nice for us all to be together like that!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Date with William

Today we had a playdate with Will and his mom Andria. Andria and I met in our birthing class at MGH and we have been friends since. Will and Charlotte were born four days apart (Charlotte is older). This was Will's first visit to the DOT (Dorchester for those who do not know the nickname) and he had a great time! Except for Will being a little forward (putting his hand on Charlotte's knee - see accompanying evidence) we all had a great time! Although as you will see Charlotte did not seem to mind the attention (as she gave Will a kiss at the end of the date) and her dad now vows that she will not date until she is 21!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July at the Gidopolous'

Today we spent the day with Chris, Denise, Lily and Jane. Denise made us a delicious feast and Charlotte and Jane played together while big Sis Lily watched. Charlotte had peas for the first time and was a not a happy camper at the end of the evening, so we had to leave! But we had a fun time up until then!