Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Dear Charlotte,

Wow!  My first born,  you are a shining star.  I love you so much and I am so happy with the wonderful, kind, thoughtful girl you have become.  Charlotte, you have an amazing way to make everyone feel loved.   You have such a warm heart.  You are so honest.  You always tell the truth and the few times you haven't, it made you so upset, you broke down to tell us.  And the things you don't tell the truth about, oh Charlotte they are nothing.  I am trying to get you to not get so upset over the little things.  I am constantly saying don't sweat the small stuff.   After school the other day, I asked how your day was, if you ate your lunch, you said great, yes.   Two days later, you came into my room hysterical crying.  You had to tell me something, and I was going to be so mad.  You couldn't stop crying to tell me, finally you got it out, "Mommy, I lied to you, I threw my ham sandwich away at lunch."   It breaks my heart to see you get upset over things like that, I worry so much about how you will react when something that is actually worth being upset about happens.  We are trying to help you to relax a little.  You are like me in so many ways.  Some ways are great but some I hope you outgrow.  You can be so moody.  If you are hungry especially.  You used to be such a joy in the mornings and lately its a chore to get you out of bed.

The things you are an amazing reader, you just love to read.  You love gymnastics and are getting really good at it.  You still play the violin and do choir and ice skate.  Skiing is a favorite as well.  You are very into My Little Ponies, shopkins and calico critters.  You love school.  You love everything about it.  Your teachers, friends, schoolwork.  I really hope its always this way for you.

You love, love your sissy.  You take such good care of her and are always looking out for her.  She adores you.  Most of the time you still play beautifully together.  Whether its playing with your American girls, shopkins or doing gymnastics.  You still have your core group of friends, Kate & Emma, Maeve & Liam, Gabby, Sarah, and Erin.  As well as your school friends.

Charlotte, your smile lights up a room, you are an amazing girl.   May you keep smiling and playing and being happy this year.   Play hard and have FUN!

I love you to the moon and back!
xo Mommy

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