Friday, October 3, 2008

8 Months old

Can you believe it? Charlotte continues to grow and is such a superstar baby. She is so fun and her personality has really stated to come out. She is so happy and loves to be around people, especially kids. She is starting to pull herself up on anything and everything and gets up on all fours and rocks, but doesn't quite know what to do next. I think she'll be crawling really soon! No teeth, although I really feel like its going to happen anyday, then again, I have been saying that for months!

She is getting a bit more hair, which looks different everyday, really light somedays and dark others, depending on the lighting. And yup, she is still spitting up, which probably won't clear up until she is is 12 months old!

Charlotte wanted to wish Auntie Denise a Happy Birthday today!!! And of course GOOO Red Sox!!!

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