Monday, December 21, 2020


 Dear Catherine Gracie,

What a year!   It started out fabulously with lots of skiing and an amazing trip to Jamaica.  And then COVID hit.  And we were in lockdown in March and things haven't improved all that much.  Good news the vaccine is out and hopefully by the summer we can resume a somewhat normal life again.  You continue to be the outgoing, fun, over the top girl we love.  Not much has changed for what you enjoy.  Irish step is still going strong and you get to go to Nationals in July which you are so excited about.  Gymnastics is a big thing these days that you are loving. You are still so creative and artistic, still not sure where you got that from!  We are all excited about hopefully getting to ski this winter.  Fifth grade was going to be a big year as you started middle school officially, but with covid things are not the same.  You are remote 3 days and in school 2 half days. Not ideal but you are making it work.  You actually prefer to be remote, you get your work done and are still an amazing student, so smart and diligent about getting your work done and getting good grades.  Same posse of friends Emma, Gabby, Corah, Nola, Neve and Eliza.  You got an early Birthday present, a phone, and you are obsessed.  Electronics have become out of control in our house.   Roblox, adopt me, TIC TOC which I despise!  You want to be so grown up, doing what Charlotte does and have moved on from your toys, dolls for make up and clothes.  God help us. 

Hoping 2021 is a much better year for all of us.  Continue to be the strong, fierce, positive and the fun loving girl you are.   Be kind and help others.   Love you to the moon and back Gracie girl!



Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Dear Charlotte,

Another year has gone by.  How is it you are already 12.   This has been a little bit of a challenging year.  I will be honest, there's a lot I fear about what's to come.  I am trying to trust that things will be ok, as I let you figure things out and that letting you go is my primary task right now.  But I would be lying if I didn't say I feel fears about the teenagerhood that is to come, and sorrow about already being here in this moment of parenthood.  

These are complicated social years, and I know you worry about friendship, loyalty, and trying to navigate your different group of friends. You are sensitive and thoughtful and prone to take things too personally (I know where you get that from, sorry!) Though my goal is not to be your best friend, I am grateful that you still want to talk to me and open up.  I can't protect you from the world, but I can make sure that home is your safe place.

Catherine and you fight ALL THE TIME.  It's non stop. She bothers you and is always in your business.  The typical littler sister.    I just hope there will come a day when you see how lucky you are to have a sister who loves you so much.

School is not your favorite thing.   You don't love your teachers, but you have made a lot of new friends which is great.  You have a hard time with time management and organization.  You still love soccer and skiing.  You do gymnastics once a week which you really enjoy.

Every year of your life I have loved you more.  It just keeps getting better and better.

Happy 12th birthday!  I am looking forward to what lies ahead for you!  I love you so much Charlotte!

xo Mommy