Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Christmas 2017!!

Another awesome Christmas with all the family!!  Such a great time.  Annual tradition of the Whites Hill crew (Bennetts and Cordeiro's) coming over for dessert and dance party/games!!

 The gravy Sisters!!


Dear Catherine Gracie,

Eight!!!  Every year I say the same thing, how can it be.  How are you 8?  What a great year you had. First year at a new school and you did amazing and loved it.  You made some awesome new friends!!!   Irish step is your thing and you absolutely love it!  You moved up to Novice and couldn't be happier!  You are loving second grade,  You continue to sew and can't wait to start making your first communion dress the first of the year.  
Catherine you are way beyond your years.  You want to be grown up too quickly.  You love makeup, clothes and anything Aislin does or has.  Aislin is still the Taylor Swift of Whites Hill, you all adore her.  You are becoming way more sassy and love being the center of attention.  You are smart, artistic, independent, kind, outgoing and very strong willed!  Continue to be the confident girl you are with a big heart and love of life.  

Love you to the moon and back Gracie!
xo Mommy

Monday, December 4, 2017

Saturday, November 25, 2017


We had Catherine's big Irish step competition the weekend before thanksgiving in Hartford.  It was a fun and exciting weekend.  The teams she was on came in 1st, 2nd and 10th.  She was so happy!  Such a great group of girls!