Friday, July 17, 2015

Summer fun

Charlotte went to my mom's for a few days, so Catherine and I had some quality time together!
We went shopping for a long dress, which she has been asking for weeks for.  We got our nails done and she had a pretend sleep over with 5 of her school friends.  Cory stayed at work late that night...

And some fun swimming and kayaking with old friends.  Water was FREEZING but they didn't care!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Rocking Horse Ranch

We went to the Rocking Horse ranch over the 4th.  It was a great, family friendly resort.  It had a ton of activities and 2 great pools with awesome water slides and activities.  Charlotte went horse back riding and water skied.  Catherine was too young, but she was fine watching Charlotte!  They had paddle boats, kayaks, bungee jumping, rock climbing, mini golf and tons of other things.  We had a great time!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Old friends

We went to my friend Diana's yesterday.  Our friend Kelly was in town from Colorado and Denise came as well.  We all used to work together at Deutsche Bank.  We met 18 + years ago and are still going strong!  The kids all had a blast playing together, while we got to catch up.  It was great!