Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Monday, February 9, 2015

Birthday Party

We had Charlotte's birthday party at Legoland Discovery Place on Saturday.  Such a fun place.  Glad we got it in before all the snow!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Dear Charlotte,

7 years old today.  You are growing up too fast.  I still vividly remember the morning I found out that I was pregnant with you.  Daddy and I were so happy and excited and we couldn't wait to meet you.
You are a very happy girl.  You are very strong willed, sensitive, caring and very thoughtful.  You are a rule follower.   You are so honest and I hope you continue to be this honest and conscientious through your teenage years.  You could teach your sister a thing or too since she is the complete opposite!

You love school, although at times you are bored.  It's too easy you say.  You want more homework.  I try and remind you to enjoy these easy school days because it only gets harder and more stressful.
What you loved this year.  All the activities you did, soccer, gymnastics, violin, basketball and of course skiing.   I wanted you to do Irish step with your sister, but you were adamant that you did not want to.  You know what you like and you do not feel pressured to do anything you do not want to do.  I love that about you.  You still have your group of friends you have always had, Maeve, Liam, Kate, Emma and Gabby.  You have made some nice new friends at school in Sarah, Addison, Orla, Olivia and Hannah.  And you still see your St. Peter's friends, Erin, Clara and Isabel. You absolutely love playing with your friends.  Catherine and you are still best buds most days.  You are so good to her.  You still give in to her when she is being a scooch, as we like to call her.  You look out for her and take care of her.

You lost your first front tooth this year.  You "fractured" your elbow.  It was the quickest cast in history!

You still love having me teach at your school.  I wonder how much longer it will be "cool" to have me there!

You are reading like a pro.  You and I like to snuggle in my bed at night and read together.  You reading your book and me reading mine.  It's some of my favorite moments with you.  You still love math and are doing really well with your adding and subtracting double digit numbers.   You like art but get upset because you always say you are not good at drawing.  You love music and singing and dancing.  You are extremely observant.  You pick up on things that Daddy and I can't believe.   We can no longer talk about things when you are around, because you pick up on EVERYTHING.  You are very shy sometimes and don't like being the center of attention (unlike your sister).  You were going to be the secret reader in Catherine's class, but when we went to do it, you got scared and didn't want to do it.  You need time to feel comfortable in new situations.  But once you get in your groove you are fine.

Our personalities are so alike and sometime we butt heads.  But I love you to pieces Charlotte.  You are the light of our lives.  You make me laugh and smile everyday.  I love you to the moon and back.  Have a fabulous, fun and exciting 7th year.