Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 year stats

Catherine had her 5 yr check up on Monday.  All is good.  Healthy and doing great.
She is 45.6 pounds and 42 inches.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Top tooth!

Charlotte's first top tooth fell out at school yesterday.  It is a big deal because this tooth has been hanging by a thread for weeks!!   Very exciting.  I love that I work at the same school as her.  Right after it happened she came running up to my classroom to show me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Smugglers 2015

Had a great ski weekend with the Bridges.   Saturday was freezing so we only skied a half day, but Sunday we got a full day in.  We also were able to ski on Monday and the conditions were awesome, 9 inches of fresh snow.  The girls did fantastic skiing.  We put them in a lesson on Sunday so we could get a few hours of skiing in alone.  It was great!
They also got some good swimming in too.
The highlight was seeing their buddies Mogul Mouse and Billy Bob the Bear over hot chocolate.
Charlotte and Catherine were riding the chairlift alone by the end...Smugglers is such a family friendly place.  Love it there!

 adult time
 Riding solo