Monday, December 22, 2014

Birthday Celebrations!

Catherine had a great 5th birthday.  She had a party at plaster fun time on Saturday with all of her friends and then on Sunday she went to American Girl to get her doll and have lunch with her besties-Maeve, Kate, Emma and Charlotte.  She was so excited to finally get her AG doll.  She has waited sooooo long!

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Dear Gracie Girl,

Another year has come and gone.  The years seem to be going by faster.  All I can say is wow.  You, Catherine Grace, are quite the character.  You have this way about you that just cracks us up.  The things you do and say are sometimes over the top.  You are such a drama queen and if you are not an actress when you grow up I will be surprised.  You are your own person.  You follow your own rules.  You still do what you want, when you want.  You are funny, determined and bright.

You have such an old soul.  You are still such a girly girl you love your dresses, makeup and everything girlie.  You have retired from soccer as gymnastics and Irish step are your things, you are excited to ski again this year.

What you love:  drawing and coloring pictures, doing your sight words, playing with your friends, Irish step, watching shows.  You still wake up most mornings and go to bed most evenings asking to watch a show.  Even though you know you can't during the week.  You think eventually we will cave (on that front, we actually don't).   Charlotte and you are still the best of friends most days.  You can create a world of your own and play for hours.  You just had your first sleepover's;  the first at Maeve and Liam's and then at Kate & Emma's.  You are such a homebody though and you love sleeping in your own bed. 

You still love school and have gotten used to rest time and actually like it now!  You desperately want to read.

You have the same besties Emma, Kate, Gabby, Tommy, Kelly, Maeve and Liam.  Your love affair with Tommy is still going on you actually wrote out your wedding invitation to marry him.  It would be crazy if you actually ended up marrying him!

I love you so much, and I love who you are becoming.   Don't stop being silly.  Don't stop having fun and laughing.  Happy 5th year my baby.  I love you a bushel and a peck!