Sunday, September 28, 2014

Apple Picking

One of my most favorite fall activities.   The only day we had to do it this fall was yesterday.  It was miserable.  Sooo hot, soo crowded, the apples were rotton.  We got no apples.  We did all the activities but it was just a long, hot day.  Hoping next year the weather is back to cool and crisp for Sept!!

 Hay ride fun!

 Trying to find a good apple!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Gymnastics, irish step..

This school year is going great, but super busy.  The girls are both doing gymnastics and Catherine is doing Irish step, which she is obsessed with, and she's good!  Charlotte is doing soccer and violin as well.   Lots of parties and fun activities as well.  Love the fall!

 The diva's!