Thursday, February 20, 2014

Vacation Fun

We just got back from our ski trip to Stowe.  It was awesome.  I cannot get over how great the girls are skiing in such a short time.  Charlotte is like a pro and Catherine is flying down the hill, no fear.  It's awesome!   All the kids got along great and just had a blast hanging out together.  Great vacation!

Sleigh Ride!



Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Jake and the Never Land Pirates Birthday bash!

Charlotte had her birthday party on Saturday with her friends.  I begged her to do it at a place, but she insisted on having it at the house with a Jake theme.  She doesn't like cake so we made a big chocolate chip cookie and a heart m-n-m cookie.  We had Mr. Twister come to put on a magic show and make balloon animals. He was a huge hit with the kids.
They had so much fun!

We had a valentine's dance that evening with all of their friends from St. Peter's.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Charlotte is 6!

Dear Charlotte,

Charlotte, when you were born, you changed our world in the BEST possible way.  Everyday is better because you are in it.  You are smart, beautiful, happy and so kind.  You amaze me everyday with your kindness and love for Catherine.  You are so good to her and take such good care of her.  You always give into her so she doesn't put up a fuss.  You are the best of friends and rarely fight.  You are good to your friends and really genuinely care about their feelings.  The teachers tell me at school you always make sure everyone has a snack and that no one is left out.  I hope you always stay as kind and sweet as your are. 

At the same time, you have become super sensitive.  It is actually making me a little nervous.  If I raise my voice the slightest, you get scared.  If my tone with Catherine is different than my tone with you, you say I love Catherine more.  If I tell you no about something, you say "you don't listen to my words".  We are trying to work on this.  I am trying to work with you, not to be so sensitive about every little thing.  I have spoken to your teachers at school.  They are actually very proud of you, telling me you are really taking a stand for yourself and working on not getting so upset if your picture doesn't come out exactly the way you wanted it, or if you just can't sound out the word, or if another child says something mean, you don't immediately cry about it.  I want you to be confident, happy and sensitive, but there has to be a balance.  I am hoping we can work with you to get there.  I know we can. 

These days you are still dancing, and swimming. You are skiing fabulously and loving it. We are going skiing as a family over February vacation, and you are so excited! You still love school so much, everything about it, you are just about reading and you are so proud of yourself.  You love Math especially.  You still love your arts and crafts, drawing and coloring.  You love to do the computer, we have math games and reading on it and you beg to use it.  We have to limit you to just the weekends, and you rarely give us a hard time about it during the week.  Unlike your sister who begs to use it every night!

You have made lots of new friends, Alana, Sarah, Orla, Shailegh.  You absolutely love having me teach at the school.  When we walk down the hall, I hear kids whisper "that's Charlotte's mom" and you have a huge grin on your face.  You still have your bestie's you hang out with, you call them the crew "Catherine,Maeve, Liam, Kate, Emma, Gabby, Rosie, Desi, and Luke."

You still love to have us lay with you and snuggle at night.  Some nights I just want to get downstairs to get what I need to get done, but I know I need to treasure these nights, as they won't last much longer.  It's so special having that alone time with just you. I love listening to you tell me about your day and what you did. 

You prefer cozy clothes over dresses.  Whenever you wear a dress, you always put leggings on under it.  You still love to play baby with your friends and you are still the mommy. You love to play school too.

Charlotte, I adore you with all of my heart.  You make each day better with your smile, laughter and love.  Happy, Happy 6th year my love bug.  I love you to the moon and back.
xo mommy

still "BESTIE'S" 4 1/2 years later