Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Christmas was a bit of a blur this year.  The girls were sick a few days before and then I got hit hard with strep throat/flu and ended up in the hospital.  It knocked me for a loop for a week.  But we at least got to enjoy Christmas day.  Cory's parents, brother, sister and law and our niece and nephew joined us for the day as well as Nana and our neighbors, Bill, Carmelita, Gabby, Gavin and Grandma Fran.  It was nice to have everyone together.
Not a lot of pictures taken though....

Saturday, December 21, 2013

She's FOUR!

Dear Catherine Grace,

My crazy old soul.  You are so excited to be 4 like your bestie Emma.  Catherine you have grown so much this year.  I can't even believe you are only 4, you act like you are much older.  You are so smart, and the things you come out with, I have no idea where you get them from.  You talk like a teenager and the expressions you make, well they are priceless.  You follow your own rules.  You do whatever you want, whenever you want.  We have very little control over you.  You are now bossing Charlotte around, and poor Charlotte gives into you almost every time you have a meltdown.  But you adore Charlotte.  You are the best of friends.  You rarely fight.  You have such a strong bond, I love it! You call her sissy or charley not charlie because everyone (even the girls) know I dislike that! but more with an S Sharly.
You of course have adjusted fabulously to your new school.  Not surprising at all.  You love to tell people, "my name is Catherine Perry and I go to Pope John Paul the 2nd Catholic Academy. You say the whole thing.  You can write your name like a pro, can write the numbers 1--20 so well.  You absolutely love to color and draw and do arts and crafts still.  You could seriously draw/color all day and you are really, really good at it. You have made some new friends, Tommy, Kelly, Ava and Tina. You still have your old posse of friends, Emma, Kate, Gabby, Selina, Maeve, and Liam.  You love school, except for rest time, its too boring you always say!  You love to play teacher and you want to be a math teacher like mommy when you grow up.  You carry around your homework wherever you go.  Your teacher gives you a lot of it you always say.  (she gets none!!) You are still a little snuggle bug. I love hanging out with you and listening to you talk.  You have such an imagination too, I often find you talking to your "friends" when you are playing alone. You are such a girly girl.  You found my pearls and insist on wearing them everyday to school with your uniform which is sweatpants and a t-shirt.  It's hilarious. You still give us a hard time almost every morning putting on your uniform.  You want to wear a dress.  You love dance class and are getting pretty good at it.  You are going to start skiing this year.   
Oh Catherine Grace, you are loved so much.  Daddy and I are so blessed to have your crazy, fun spirit in our life.  Our family is complete with you.  Always be the shining star you are.  Be happy. Be silly.  Always.
Happiest 4th birthday my baby. 
I love you a bushel and a peck!

Doing homework!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013