Monday, July 29, 2013

Saturday, July 27, 2013

We have a bike rider!!!

Charlotte learned to ride without training wheels on Thursday.  Within an hour. She was amazing, no falling, staying steady..On the same day, later on, she falls and smashes her head on the coffee table.  Thankfully Dr. Bill was home and saved us a trip to the ER.  He glued her up and she was good to go.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sugar High..

Cookie decorating at Ginger Betty's.  NO rules in the summer, cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Four Green Fields

We spent the weekend in upstate NY at my friend Dawn's summer house.  Girls had a ball driving the cars all around the colony, swimming and running around.  It was Halloween weekend so they got to go trick or treating and watch a movie under the stars (although it got moved inside because of the weather!)  Cory also took them for a golf lesson.  Unclear whether Charlotte will be a golfer or not!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

4th of July fun at the beach!

We had a great 4th.  We spent a few days in York, ME with our friends Bill, Carmelita and Gabby who rented a house.  The girls absolutely LOVED the beach.  They loved jumping the waves and playing in the sand.  SO much FUN!  we then had a GREAT visit with our friends Andy and Ann and their 2 kids.
But the highlight for Cory and me,  I have to say was dropping the girls with Grammy and Grampa for a 3 night visit!  Thanks so much!!!!!  we love you!!! xo