Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5 year stats

Charlotte had her 5 yr appt today.   Easy appt, 45 lbs, 45 inches.  she is a rock star!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sweetheart dance/valentines day

Mrs. Walsh and her class of 2026
 Charlotte and her valentine Liam!
 Catherine and her favorite teacher Ms. Taylor!
Floweres and dinner on Valentines day from Daddy!
 Catherines valentine Finn!
Mardi Gras!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blizzard 2013

sooo fun!!!  might be the only ones super excited for the blizzard.  forgot how much fun it is to play in the snow!!!  LOVE!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Charlotte is 5!!!

Happy Birthday to you!!!!    Charlotte Marguerite how is it possible you are 5?  My strong willed little baby is now my loving, easy going, sweet girl.  You are such a good, good girl Charlotte.  A very kind and caring little girl.  Such a huge helper to me and my little companion. These days with you are just amazing.  You are so fun to hang out with.  You are a girly girl, love having your nails painted, love playing dress up, love playing with dolls, but you are quite the athlete.  You are great at everything you try, just like your daddy.   (well I don't think you will ever be a dancer!!).   You are skating on your own like a pro, you are just starting skiing and doing great, already skiing down the hill on your own.  You are still a fish in the water and you are great at kicking the soccer ball. The one thing you can't do yet is ride your bike without training wheels, but this summer for sure. One of your absolute favorite activities is coloring/drawing, writing, and arts and crafts.  You grab the coloring stuff before we even can sit down for breakfast in the mornings. You are so creative in what your draw.  You love drawing people especially.  You are smart Charlotte, you get things very quickly.  You absolutely LOVE school.   You love everything about it.  Your teachers, your friends, all the activites and the work you do.   You still tell me you don't like the weekends because there is no school.  I hope that is always the way you are.   You still have your favorite posse of friends, Maeve and Liam, Kate and Emma, Gabby, Isabel, Lily and Jane but you have made some new friends who you love to hang out with too, Breanna, Audrey, Mairin and Erin.  You are such a GREAT big sister.  You take such good care of Catherine and you play so well with her.  You always include her when you have your friends over to play.  I know she can be a pest at times, but you handle it so well the majority of the time. And I know you will grow up to be the best of friends.  You call Catherine your little sissy.  You still have such a joy and love of life.  You have a smile that is contagious.  You are a happy, well adjusted girl.  I hope you continue to be this loving, happy and good natured girl as you grow this year.  Kindergarten next year.  You can't wait.
I am so lucky to be your mommy.  My promise to you this year, is to be present, to fully enjoy these years, to pay attention and not miss a thing.  Too often I feel rushed, busy with too much to do.  It goes by fast and I don't want to look back and regret not living in the now and missing out on the little things.   I love you Charlotte, my first born, more than you will ever know and I hope year 5 is as awesome as you are.
Keep smiling and being HAPPY!!!   XO Mommy

Friday, February 1, 2013

Birthday party madness...

Charlotte had her 5th birthday party today.  She wanted an all girls, pj craft party.   So we had 12 girls, and they painted t shirts, made a necklace, designed a bookmark and made ice cream sundaes and had cupcakes.  Not to mention freeze dance and duck duck goose.  Such good girls.  They all got along great, no fights and tons of fun.  Charlotte is ending her night with a sleepover with Maeve and Liam.  She is one happy girl!