Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Concert tiime

Charlotte has bible camp this week and wow, she is belting out all the Jesus songs.  It was pretty funny and Catherine started to mimic her.   Of course the Jesus belting songs are on the other video which is too long to post.

Monday, July 16, 2012


We had a great week at Lake Winnipesaukee.  The weather was perfect and the house was amazing.  We were right on the lake and the view was gorgeous.  The girls got along great and the adults had a blast, especially relaxing on the dock with a cocktail when the girls were in bed!  My mom's friend lives nearby and has a boat, so they took us out for a ride and the girls LOVED it.  Charlotte was jumping off and having a blast.  Catherine was lounging like she was meant for this life!   Charlotte is such a fish, she is such a strong swimmer and spent most of her days in the water. Catherine did great as well, they both love being in the water. Charlotte told Cory that she would like to get a vacation house.
I told him I am on board too!
Back to reality now....:(

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Visit with Jonathan!!!

We had a great weekend with Aunt Barbara, Uncle Chris, Jonathan, Grammy and Granpa.  The girls had so much fun playing with their cousin!!!