Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hello Kitty Party!

Charlotte had her birthday party today with all of her little friends.  It was a blast.  They had so much fun with pin the bow on hello kitty, the pinata and freeze dance.   She had another birthday party for a girl at school this afternoon.  It was a fairty tea party and adorable.  It was a great birthday weekend!

Now let's end on a high note with the Patriots winning the SuperBow!  GOOO PATS!!

Friday, February 3, 2012


Today you turn 4. I feel like yesterday I was complaining about how hard it was and how I couldn't do it. Now, at 4 I just want to stop. I LOVE this age. Charlotte, you are such an amazing little girl. You are still that same strong willed girl you were when you were born, which I think you will carry always, but at the same time you are the nicest, kindest, happiest little girl. I can hang out with you now and its so much fun. I love listening to you tell me stories of your days at school, which you absolutely LOVE and are thriving, your favorite job is calendar, but it seems more than not you get the job of "TABLES, AGAIN!!!", you are starting to learn to read and you are so excited to read to daddy and me at night. I think mostly you have memorized, but its the start. And one of my most favorite things to watch is when Catherine and you snuggle up in your room and you read a bedtime book to her. It's just so magical to watch. You write your first and last name like a pro and are desperately trying to master your middle name. Catherine absolutely adores you, and I can just see it in your eyes how much you love her and how PROUD you are to be her big sister. You are so protective of her and keep a close eye on her when other kids are around. You have a pretty packed scheduled this winter which I was worried about, not sure why I worry, you love everything you do and are excited for it. You do dance, swim, skating and soon will start tennis. And you are great at them all. Although I don't think dancing will be in your long term future! You have a great group of friends whom you love to hang out with and have playdates. You love to have people over like your parents do! It's always, who's coming over today? what are we doing after dance?...I learned after winter break that you thrive on schedule, just like your mama. We need routine, consistancy. Although its nice to have the stressfree days of vacation and no plans, but it only works for us for a few days and then we need our structure back. You are like me in so many ways, some good and some I hope you outgrow! You still have your love of life like daddy and your happy personality. You can make me smile even when I am having the worst day. You still love to paint, color, do puzzles and play with your stuffed animals (all 15 of them you have to sleep with everynight and then drag out of bed with you in the morning). You love to play hide and seek, house (you always want to be the mommy), you love having dance party's and you love playing outdoors, no matter what the weather. You adapt so well to any situation and never give me a hard time when I have to go to work or when Daddy and I go out at night. You give me a kiss and say bye mama! It's going to be a great year for you with so much to learn and so many fun things to do. I love you to pieces my lovebug. Happy #4. xo Mommy