Saturday, December 29, 2012

3 yr stats!

Catherine is 32 lbs and 37 inches!   43% for height and 54% for weight.  doing awesome!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Disney on Ice!

I took the girls to Disney on Ice today.  Such a great show, perfect time, not too long so they were entertained the whole time.  Except for my sick little lady who fell asleep during the second half.

Super fun to share their bff's!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Merry!

Happy Happy girls on Christmas Eve!

Church time!

all tuckered out!
Santa has arrived!

We had such a wonderful Christmas celebrating with Grammpy, Granpa, Memee, Nana, Grampy Joe and Auntie Kate.  The girls loved all the presents from Santa.  It was such a great day having everyone together.

Friday, December 21, 2012

She's THREE!!!!

The little lady is 3, going on 13.  Catherine Grace, my baby, you are such a spunky, big girl.  You are just such a fun, happy spirited girll.   At 3, you can do so much.  I really don't know where you learn half the stuff  you know, certainly not from me.  You can count to 40, you can write all your letters, you are still mastering your name, you get CATH and that is it.  But you will get there.  You can hop on one leg like a pro, you can cut with scissors, you can buckle yourself in your car seat, you can zip your jacket, you can button your pants.  You are so self sufficient it really is unbelievable.  You potty trained yourself at 2 1/2, you got rid of your binky's on your own, I still can't believe it.  A month ago, we were playing outside with baby Chloe next door and you ran upstairs and came out with all 10 of them in a plastic bag and handed them to Chloe and said here you go!  I was positive we would need them back so I secretly took them from Ali to have that night.  But, again you surprised me and never looked back, never asked for them.  You also transitioned into a big girl bed 2 weeks ago.  You are so tiny in it, but you love it.  Unlike your sister, you will be out of pull-ups at night in no time.  You yell to us when you have to go potty at night and are dry most mornings.  Night time is a bit ridiculous, as you call down several times saying you need water, need to give us one more hug, need to go potty.   And when we yell up to go to sleep, you yell back down "did you say yes or no..".
you came down the other night to give me "one more kiss" and you looked at our tree and go "our tree looks awesome mom!" One of your favorite expressions is "I have to tell you a question." You also love to say "don't I look gorgeous" with the many crazy outfits you wear.  You insist on wearing dresses everyday with tights and a skirt on too, all mismatched.  But that's ok, I love that you pick out what you want.  You love school.  You are so excited to show me everything in your backpack when you get home, and you come home with so much stuff.   You love your sister, but still like to torment her and you know exactly what buttons to push to set her off!  You love playing with your friends.  You are more of a homebody than Charlotte though.  You like to be home, you like your routine. You absolutely love to dress up as a princess and love to play dolls and baby.  You love being the baby.  You are great at puzzles and coloring.  you also love pretending to be the teacher and reading books out loud.  It's a riot.  I could sit and listen to you all day.  The boys at school love you, especially Dimitri who is in Charlotte's class. He chases you around the playground.  You tell me he is your boyfriend.  You are still doing your swim lessons and getting better and more confident in the water, you will be swimming by the summer.

You are such a joy Catherine.  You make me laugh everyday even sometimes when I want to scream.  I am excited for this year with you and all that your will learn and experience.  I tell you all the time I don't want you to turn 3 and you just say stop mommy, I am going to be 3, then 4, then 5....It goes too fast as everyone says.  I need to learn to be in the moment more with you girls.  I love you so much Catherine Grace.  You will always be my little pumpkin.   Happy 3rd year, laugh, play and continue to be the happy girl you are.  love you angel. xo mommy

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Catherine's Third Birthday Party!

 Birthday Girl!

 Pin the kiss on the frog!

 Pinata time!

 Pizza Pizza!

Cupcake Tiara's

Magic Wand Cookies
Catherine had her birthday party today. It was princessed themed-her choice. She had some girls in her class and a few friends from outside school. We decorated crowns, played pin the kiss on the frog, castle pinata and pizza. I made princess wand cookies and cupcakes with tiara's on top. It was super cute and she loved being the center of attention!!

Monday, December 10, 2012