Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

The girls were very excited with the easter baskets the easter bunny left for them! Although Charlotte was very upset that the Easter Bunny left some chocolate in the easter baskets which were downstairs in the playroom (we are not allowed to eat in the playroom), how could the easter bunny not know that! But she quickly got over it when she opened her new bible, she is very into reading the bible. my good little catholic girl!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Big Girl Bed!

Charlotte has been sleeping on a boxspring and mattress for the past 2 months, we finally got her a bed! she was soo excited. She kept saying to Catherine, "look at my big girl bed, aren't you so excited Catherine!!!" and Catherine kept saying "YES". It was adorable!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Grammy's Surprise 60th Birthday weekend!

We celebrated Grammy's 60th this weekend, in a big way. Cory's brother Chris and his wife Barbara and son Jonathan flew in from FL. Grammy's sister Jane and son Jonathan came from NJ and Meme from Maine, all a surprise! Grammy thought she was coming to babysit the girls! She was shocked! We had a great weekend spending time together! So much fun! Charlotte had a blast playing with her cousin!