Monday, August 23, 2010

8 months and SUCCESS!

I am happy to report our sweet little baby is now sleeping through the night!!! It's been 1 week and we got 6 out of the 7 nights, 6:30-6:30/7! Finally! On the other hand, Charlotte is now walking up with nightmares. Oh the joys of parenting! I figure I will be able to sleep again in like 10 years!!
Charlotte had her friends Gregory and William over to play. They had so much fun playing together!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Long time away!

Our computer was being serviced,so we were not able to download pictures, plus we have been quite busy with our move. We have now moved into our new house completely, feeling settled and absolutely loving it. We are so happy with our decision and even more happy the other houses we had pending fell through, everything really does happen for a reason. Charlotte has adjusted fabulously, like she has lived here forever, and she is loving her pink room!

We were in Maine a few weekends ago for Cory's brother's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding, but unfortunately Charlotte ended up with an ear infection the first day, so it was a rough weekend for us.

We have had lots of playdates and lots of outdoor time this summer. Charlotte is getting really good on her bike and scooter. Grammy and Granpa bought Charlotte a new bike when they came to visit, that she absolutely loves!!! She continues to amaze us with what she comes out with and what a fantastic big sister she is. Catherine is doing well, getting slightly better at night. We have let her cry it out and we are hopefully ending our one feeding this week! She goes until almost 4am, so we should be able to get her to push it out a bit more. She is still the sweetest little baby and so happy and smiley all the time. She adores her big sis. She loves to watch her. She is getting ready to crawl very soon. She gets so frustrated because she is not quite there. She is also very excited because she has a new friend of her own in our little association. Gabby who is 4 months old!

I will try to take some pics of our house this weekend. We are almost done with our projects. We have painted, put in new carpeting downstairs, got our new sofa, ordered our dining room table, and granite countertops are being put in next week. We are expanding the deck after labor day. That should be it for a little while!!!