Friday, June 18, 2010

Our little rock star!

Catherine is doing great! She is such a trooper. Totally herself after surgery. And the cast doesn't seem to bother her at all! She gets it off next Wed. Glad this is behind us! Just shy of 6 months and sitting up all by herself!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Good Luck Granpa!

Charlotte and Catherine wanted to wish Granpa good luck on his bike trek through Maine! We will be cheering you on from Boston! GOOOOO Granpa!!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Some May pics!

Haven't really updated this in a while, its been crazy busy. I went back to work 2 weeks ago and its GREAT. I love it. I am so much happier. Adult interaction, drinking a hot cup of coffee and finishing it, being able to eat lunch and of course catching up on my celebrity gossip!! The 2 day a week is fantastic, such a great balance for our family. The kids are doing fabulously with the nanny. Charlotte pushes me out the door, "go to work mommy."

We are anxious about Catherine's surgery, which is June 17th. We will be happy when its behind us. Catherine still waking up to eat once a night, but hopefully after the surgery, and getting her on solids she will start sleeping better. Charlotte is a trip, so much energy and as strong willed as ever. I have totally given up trying to dress her, she wears what she wants. We got her a bike helmet and in the process of getting her a bike, she rides a scooter like a 5 yr old and is definitly ready for a bike, skipping the tricyle thing! She is so incredible with Catherine, she loves her and is actually pretty helpful, Catherine adores her and just is fasicnated watching her.

Grammy and Granpa came down last weekend and gave us such a GREAT break. Cory and I got to spend some good quality time together and lots of freedom from the kids, it was wonderful, thanks Grammy and Granpa!!!