Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4 months...and sleepless in dorchester..

Catherine turned 4 months last Wed and she is 14 1/2 lbs and 25 1/2 inches, and a very healthy girl. Mostly happy all the time and so super sweet. She is much more calm than Charlotte was at this stage. Her smile will melt your heart. Her sleeping habits are not so great. She was only getting up for one feeding a night, but as of 2 weeks ago, she is up several times, not to eat, but because she lost her pacifier. UGH. Charlotte never took one, so this is new to us. We were giving into it, but its ridiculous getting up 5+x a night to put it back in, so last night we started boot camp. No more swaddle and no more paci retrieval if it falls out. We brought her in our room to let her cry it out. Not so fun. She was hitting herself in the face all night and knocking the paci out left and right. Night #1 not a huge success. But we'll keep trying and we will win! When I went to get Charlotte this morning, she looked in Catherine's crib and said where is baby catherine? I said we had a rough night with her being fussy so she is in our room, I said did you hear her crying, "no, SCREAMING!!!" ha. I think we need a house!! Charlotte on the other hand is back to sleeping great again. No more milk and only once in a while does she call me to readjust her blanky!!

Charlotte is very excited as she is going to be starting "preschool" on June 17th. Fridays in the summer and Mondays in the fall. She can't wait, we got her a backpack and she keeps putting it on and saying "go to school?"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Catherine's Christening

Godparents Kate & Jeff

We celebrated Catherine's Christening this weekend. It was a beautiful day and Catherine was a star, she did really well and Ms. Charlotte was great as well, considering she was running on fumes with no nap!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Grammy!!!

We love you!! Charlotte & Catherine

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter with the cousins!

We spent Easter at my Aunt Alice's house and we all had the best time. Charlotte had a blast with her cousins!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana!

We Love You!!! Charlotte & Catherine xoxo