Sunday, January 17, 2010

4 weeks!

Daddy and his girls

Charlotte playing dress up with Lily and Jane

Ice cream party!

Giving kisses

very alert!

So we are slowly getting into a groove with 2 kids! Catherine is Charlotte 2.0, which is what we had thought when I was carrying her! She has the same temperament as Charlotte as a baby. Which equals very gassy,fussy, and a spitter!! She likes to be held and moved. She is not a great eater, eats only a little bit at a time so frequent feedings, which is tough, especially at night she is up 4-5x. But this time around, we know its only temporary and hopefully if she really is the same baby, she will sleep like a champ by 4 months! Charlotte has her moments, but overall she loves her baby sister and is a big help, most of the time....