Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rain, rain go away...

They did not like sharing the stroller, lots of tears!

We woke up Sat morning to a rainy, yucky day. Poor Charlotte just stood at the window saying "go away rain, go away!" Charlotte does not like staying in the condo, she LOVES to be outside and playing at the park, which we do most everyday. To get her and us through the day, we had some of her friends over. In the morning, her little buddy Conner came over and after naps her twin buddies Maeve and Liam came over. They really play so well together and got into all sorts of trouble and mischief. Our place was a disaster when they left. But she had so much fun and we all managed to survive a rainy day in the condo! Just a preview of this brutal winter ahead! (and we'll have a new baby to add to the mix, fun fun!)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween FuN!

Charlotte had a blast on Halloween with her friend Will, although she refused to wear the pig hat. Will's cousin Molly was there, she is 7 months and Charlotte was enthralled by her.