Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

almost 33 weeks and Charlotte's 20 month stats

Charlotte had a dr's appt last week and her stats were 29lbs 16oz and 34 1/2 inches, consistant in the 90th+ percentile. She is as strong willed as ever and everything is "I do". Ms. Independent, wants no help with anything. A few weeks ago I was in the other room and she was awfully quiet, which is never a good sign, and I go in our bedroom and she had gotten my lotion and put the "pretty" all over herself.
She is warming up to the baby, although she really has no clue that her world is going to be turned upside down. She is still a daddy's girl and wants nothing to do with me when Cory is around.
I will be 33 weeks this coming week and am feeling great, despite my third cold in about 6 weeks. I am having such a wonderful pregnancy again, I am so lucky, I hope the last weeks are just as smooth.