Sunday, September 27, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Living it up in Maine!

Cayden mowing the lawn!

3 little monkey's jumping on the bed!

Ruby & Charlotte

Sophie & Charlotte getting ready for a ride!

Cayden teaching the city girl how to mow the lawn

the girls just hanging out having a snack

We had a fun filled, busy weekend in Maine. Cory golfed with Andy on Fri while I hung out with Andy's wife Anne and their kids, Cayden and Sophie. Charlotte had a blast running around the HUGE yard they have and playing with all the fun toys.

Saturday we headed to Cory's parents for the night. My friend Sarah's in-laws live 5 minutes down the road from Cory, and they happened to be up in Maine over the weekend, so we got to visit with them. We also got to see Cory's neighbors The Haywards and the new addition to their family, Samantha. Charlotte was intrigued by the baby and was just mesmerized watching her. She had fun running around with Samantha's big sister Abby while the adults got to visit. Cory and I had some nice time off and were able to go out to dinner and breakfast, such a treat! Charlotte enjoyed her alone time being spoiled by Grammy and Granpa!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cousin's Day

Charlotte & Emma

Aunt Alice, Jay, Charlotte, Emma, Jacob & Jack

Kerri & Jack

Jack & Jacob

This weekend we had cousins day. It was kind of a dreary day, but we had fun going to the park and hanging out. The kids had so much fun together!
Charlotte continues to love dress up. She found these shoes in the back of my closet under a bag in a box, she walks better in them than I do!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More end of summer fun!

Charlotte & Addison (8 days apart)

Sunday, September 6, 2009