Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Heading out
Jane and Charlotte giving kisses

the girls, Charlotte, Lily and Jane

the start of our adventure

Charlotte showing Daddy the birds!

Sisterly love

We had a great weekend. We celebrated Cory's big 35th on Sunday. We met friends for brunch and then I made a delicious birthday dinner and celebrated with our friends. Saturday we went to World's End in Hingham with The Gidopoulos Family. We had a blast and the kids loved running around and playing, it was a beautiful day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fun while Daddy is away...

Cousin Luke and Charlotte
The Cousin's

Auntie Alice and the crew!

Cousin Tom who Charlotte loved!!

Cousin Emma, Jacob and Charlotte

Cousin Jack and Jacob

Cousin Kerri and Charlotte

Charlotte and Ruby (western mass BFF's!)

While Cory was in Myrtle Beach golfing, Charlotte and I spent a few days at Nana's house. Nana spoiled me taking care of Charlotte so I could have a break and feeding me delicious meals, it was wonderful!! While we were home, we got to visit lots of friends and had a day with our cousins, which was so much fun!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend 2009

Charlotte had a great weekend with her first trip to a golf course at Grampy Joe's country club in South Hadley. Cory got to golf and Charlotte and I spent the afternoon with Nana, Auntie Kate and Jacob at the park. Charlotte had her 15 month appointment this week and she was a star once again with her shots and she weighed 26 lbs 1 oz and was 33 inches long.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fun in the Sun!

Charlotte has had a busy few weeks. We went to a horse farm, and although Charlotte was not a bi fan of the horses, she loved running around and playing with the kids. Charlotte was lucky to have her Grammy and Great Meme come down for a visit and hang out with her while Cory and I continued our house search. She had a blast!

Our friends Andy and Anne stopped by for a visit with their two kids, Cayden and Sophie. Charlotte just loves having company and definitly has eyes for older men!
Charlotte absolutely loves to be outside, she stands at the door and can't wait to get out there and play in the dirt, with sticks and her favorite ball. She is definitly not a dainty little girl and she has absolutely no fear of anything!!