Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Charlotte eating on her own!

We decided we needed to start letting Charlotte feed herself. Here are some pictures from one of the first times.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Auntie Kate and Granpy Joe

Shannonn and Charlotte

w Charlotte had a GREAT Easter!! We went to my step brother JP's house for dinner and we had a great with Grampy Joe, Great Grampy Joe, Auntie Kate, Darren, Shannon, Heather, JP and Ann. They cooked a delicious meal and Charlotte had a great time entertaining everyone.

Fun with Quimby!

My friend Kate came over with her dog on Thursday and Charlotte went NUTS! She absolutely loved him, and tortured him a bit, chasing after him!!! Looks like a dog is in our future!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Playing Around!

Car from Grampa J!

Downward Dog Pose

Charlotte is as fun as ever these days. Running around, playing with her friends and just loving the warmer weather. She also loves practicing her yoga moves, not sure where she learned it from!

Our friends Jane, Patrick and Jack got Charlotte this adorable dress, that she loves to prance around in! So CUTE!!!