Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mommy & Me Reunion/Leo's Baptism

Charlotte, Liesl, Elsie,MacKenzie, Luke
8-8 1/2 months
Owen, Charlotte, Elsie, MacKenzie, Liesl

Charlotte,Phoebe, Anna,Luke, Elsie, Owen, Ben,Joseph,Liesl, MacKenzie
(9 weeks)
Today I hosted a brunch for the Mommy & Me group I used to go to when Charlotte was 3 weeks old. We hadn't seen each other since the babies were 12 weeks old. It was so great to see everyone and how they have all changed. It was a bit difficult trying to get them all to cooperate to take pictures at they are all on the move! It's really interesting to watch them interact (they are all within 2 weeks of each other, Charlotte surprisingly being on the younger side, but probably the biggest of them all in size!!) Charlotte was a star and they all said what a great baby she is, considering they saw first hand how difficult she was those first few months. Seems like forever a go, she is just such a good girl now! Sooo happy!
This afternoon we had Laurie & Jon's son Leo's Baptism. It was quite a party! Charlotte had a ball watching all the kids and with the balloons!

Auntie Laurie, Charlotte, Leo and Padraig

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


"Let's Get Physical!"

So tonight we tried Avocado for the first time. Cory and I were hysterical watching her eat it. As you can see, not a fan AT ALL!!!! Although she did not enjoy it, she kept opening her mouth for more!

The last picture, I just had to post. I personally HATE those headbands, but we got one with an outfit so I just put it on her for a laugh.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Today Cory and I celebrate our 6th anniversary. It's crazy how fast it has gone by. I am so lucky to be his wife, he is such an incredible man and father. I fall more in love with him each day. People told me after we had Charlotte that my relationship with Cory would change, it would never be the same as before, and it has changed, but for the better. We are closer now than ever before and we have this amazing daughter to share our love with. Cory and I have such a unique, special relationship which I think is so incredibly rare these days, true love is so hard to find. We have such tremendous love and respect for each other. I found my soulmate and best friend. I love you Cory !

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

7 months!!

Standing all by myself and so proud!!

Today, Charlotte turned 7 months, which doesn't seem possible. She amazes us more and more each day.

She is such a joy! No teeth yet, no crawling, although she loves to inch worm her way around. And she walks if we hold her hands. And yes, she is still spitting up!!!