Friday, December 27, 2019


Its been a long time, my computer wasn't working and life got busy!   Lots going on in the Perry house!  We had a great trip to Disney in April, Universal Studios was the big hit this time.  We all loved  Harry Potter land.   Summer flew by with a trip to Nantucket with lots of besties, lots of swim time, hanging with friends and camp.  Catherine went to irish step over night camp for a week and loved it.  She can't wait to go back next year!   We ended the summer with our annual trip to Santas Village, we had the best time!!!
Girls started school, Catherine 4th grade and Charlotte middle school!  Both girls like it and Charlotte is adjusting so well to middle school.  She really loves the independence and seems to like her classes.  She started student council and enjoys it!  Soccer consumes her life and Catherine is still the Irish stepping queen!  We got a new puppy Sadie Mae!!  She has brought so much joy to our lives, we just love her so much!!!  Still trying to get adjusted to all the changes a dog brings!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Double Digits Catherine!

Happy Happy 10th Birthday Catherine Grace,

Cannot believe my baby is 10!  Time is going by too fast.  You are so grown up now, you act like a teenager already.  You are sassy, independent, smart, witty and so much fun! You know what you want and never give up.  School this year is ok you don't love it, but you still come home so happy and with lots of stories from your day.  You are determined to move up to the highest level of Irish Step this year (Open).  You need one more first to get there and you are on a mission to achieve it.  I know you will.  You work hard and put 100% into what you do.   Irish step is all consuming for you.  We are looking forward to a little break from it for skiing this winter!   You are starting Lacrosse in the spring and are excited about that.  You have your core group of friends still.   You love hanging with them.  You are very into makeup and dressing up.  You want to be so grown up already.  You have a love/hate relationship with Charlotte.  You are either best friends or want nothing to do with each other.   I hope this year brings you lots of fun and adventures, lots of awesome memories, and most of all happiness!  You are a shining star, shine bright and always be true to yourself.  Love you to the moon and back Catherine Gracie.

Love, Mommy xo

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


Happy happy Birthday Charlotte!!!   Eleven.  As I always start where did the time go.  I can still vividly remember the day you came into the world and holding you for the first time.  I can't begin to describe the overwhelming love I already had for you.    It is impossible for me to convey how much I love you.   I wish I could.   You are slowly changing from a little girl to the young woman you are becoming, it is visible in so many ways, but especially your face.

You are in fifth grade.  You like school, you don't love it like you used to.  You still love to read, and some of my happiest times are laying in bed with you reading.  It is so peaceful and you will still snuggle with me.  You started playing CFC soccer, much more demanding than town soccer you used to play.  You love playing and are so dedicated to everything about it.   You have the same group of friends, the crew and then your school friends, Michaela, Gia, Emily, and Abby.  There is way more drama in fifth grade than I remember, and I am trying to help you to navigate through it and to try not to sweat the insignifcant things.  But I know its hard to do this.  You are learning and you still are so committed to who you are.  You know who you are. You still don't let others influence you.  You have such a kind heart and are a good, true friend.  You genuinely care about your friends feelings.  I love that about you.   You got a phone this Christmas, something I swore I wouldn't do for a while longer.  You are so responsible with it and use it only for the purposes we got it for you.  You are still such a rule follower, so honest!   Skiing is still one of your favorite things to do.  Catherine and you are not getting along these days, the fighting is out of control.  It's only going to get worse I know.  Someday you will love her so much and want to spend time with her, I promise.

It is going to be tough to navigate these teen years, you and I definitely struggle with how to handle certain situations and lash out in negative ways.  My hope is we can both learn to slow down and talk through things without getting so upset and angry.  I know its going to be extremely hard.   Continue to be the amazing, kind-hearted, loving girl you are.  Be strong and confident in who you are.  Never stop believing in yourself.  You can do anything you set your mind too!  I love you to the moon and back Charlotte!!!


Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy 2019!!!

So much fun bowling and welcoming in the New year with our besties!!!